Meet the Trustees

The trust is managed by six trustees, three from Ely and three from Soham. They meet six times a year to oversee the various aspects of the foundation and to preserve the legacy of Bishop Benjamin Laney. Their responsibilities include managing the foundation’s assets and ensuring its profits are invested effectively. This ensures support for all eligible students and apprentices applying for grants in the years to come. The trust complies with the foundation's Commission regulatory requirements and meets regularly to review grant application submissions.

Lis Every

Lis has a background in business administration and was also in the education sector as a secondary school deputy head for 18 years. She has recently retired from serving as a local authority councillor for 12 years and was Mayor of Ely for two terms.

Lis is committed to supporting skill development and helping young people to achieve their career potential.  She serves on the Steering Group of the Chamber of Commerce and Cathedral Business Group supporting business and school links.  She is a Governor at Ely St John’s Primary School, Chair of the Academy Council of Ely College and Trustee of VCAEC, Ely Museum, Ely Choral Society, Needham’s Foundation, Viva and Bishop Laney Foundation.

Geoff Fisher
Geoff’s experience is in education. He was Headteacher in Soham for 24 years before he retired. First, at Soham CE Junior School and then at St Andrew's CE Primary School. Geoff is currently on the Advisory Body for the Shade Primary School in Soham. He is one of the three trustees representing Soham and have been for several years.
Brian Ashton
Brian’s career was as a director of a small group of engineering companies. Over the last 35 years he has taken various roles in public service: serving twice as Mayor of Ely, a former leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, Vice-Chairman of Lifespan Healthcare NHS Trust and Chairman of the Primary Care Group for East Cambs. His most recent role was as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. He joined the Governing Board of the Clinical Commissioning Group for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough taking a lead on Quality and Performance. With his wife Dene, who was an active member of the British Red Cross for almost 50 years, they have always worked in and supported many local charities and community organisations. They have three children and five grandchildren.
Nicholas Mumford
Nicholas is a retired General Practitioner. After serving as a Medical Officer in the Royal Air Force at the RAF Hospital in Ely, he joined Dr Hine and Partners in Ely in 1975. He has served on the Diocesan Board for Social Responsibility in the past. Now living in Coveney, he has been on the St Peter ad Vincula PCC and served as Church Warden from 2000 -2018. He has been a member of The Rotary Club of Ely for 32 years.
Hamish Ross
Hamish has lived in Soham for over 35 years. He has worked locally in the fresh produce industry. He is a Soham Town Councillor and a retired magistrate. He also served as a Bench Chairman for East Cambridgeshire for 17 years. 

His daughter benefited from the charity when she studied for her BA in American Studies and her MA in International Journalism at Swansea University and the University of South Carolina.
Iain Sutherland
Iain was born and educated in Scotland attending Dollar Academy and Aberdeen University. He moved to Soham in 1990 with his wife and three daughters.
Following a successful career in the Food Industry as an Operations Director, which culminated with global responsibilities working for H J Heinz, he has now retired. Iain remains active in supporting community activities as a member of Soham Rotary Club and accepted the role of a Bishop Laney Trustee in 2016.

Richard Tyler (foundation secretary)

Richard qualified as a chartered accountant in 1968 with Price Waterhouse in Leicester. He moved with company to Mandeville in Jamaica in 1971, where he spent seven years managing the office. Richard met and married his wife, who taught English at the local boarding school. In 1978, they returned to England and Richard joined Whiting and Partners, becoming a partner at the Ely branch in 1981. Richard has four children and eight grandchildren and is retired, though still doing accountancy work when needed.

We have given grants to assist school leavers aged under 25 for over 340 years.

About us

The Bishop Laney Foundation provides grants to help apprentices and students from Ely and Soham with their training and further education.

The foundation has given these grants to assist school leavers aged under 25 living in Ely or Soham, for over 340 years.

Meet our Trustees

The trust is managed by six trustees, three from Ely and three from Soham.

They meet six times a year to oversee the various aspects of the foundation and to preserve the legacy of Bishop Benjamin Laney.


Get in touch

The Secretary
The Beeches
79 Ely Road
Little Downham

01353 699043

© 2025 The Bishop Laney Foundation. Registered in England and Wales Charity No. 311306. Website by Studio Nova.