Student Testimonials

“Many thanks for the help The Bishop Laney Foundation gave to me while studying for my degree in Bath Spa School of Art and Design, it meant that I could go into the local art shop and get what I required throughout the year which I am grateful for.”
“The Bishop Laney Foundation helped me greatly whilst I was at University. I was able to use the grant to buy course textbooks throughout my four years of study. This was a great advantage as I would otherwise been unable to afford the textbooks, so this made studying much easier.”
“The grant received from The Bishop Laney Foundation helped me massively throughout my undergraduate degree. I was able to buy essential books for my course, which would otherwise have cost me hundreds of pounds.

I studied American Studies at Swansea University for four years, including a year abroad in South Carolina. I graduated with a 2:1 Bachelors Degree with Honours.

Without the grant, I wouldn’t have been able to afford all the textbooks I needed and I wouldn’t have been able to keep up with my required reading. I cannot thank the foundation enough for their help in ensuring that I had everything I needed to complete my degree to the fullest.”
"I was pleased to receive the entire fees for year one of my degree, coupled with an allowance in the Lancaster University Academic Bookshop, which was funded by The Bishop Laney Foundation. This enabled me to read around the subject in great detail. I feel that the contribution from the foundation played a significant part in my improved academic achievement. I have since gone on to own and manage a modest technology fund. I provide a blend of seed and growth capital to ambitious management in the data analytics and enterprise software sectors. I employ just under a hundred staff and have been publicly recognised by the London Stock Exchange as one of the top 1000 consistently growing companies."

“The grant was an amazing help to me throughout my year of Art Foundation as I could equip myself with all the art supplies I needed without any stress. I'm going to use the little bit I have left to buy sketchbooks to take with me to university (though it doesn't take long for them to fill up!)

Thank you very much again!”

“I’d like to thank The Bishop Laney Foundation for the bursary they provided whilst I attended Arts Educational Schools on their degree course. Without this help it would not have been possible. Lack of financial support can be a huge barrier in arts-based further education, but I was able to commit to my course 100%. I can now move forward building a career on exceptional foundations - I can’t thank the Trust enough.”
"As a University of Warwick graduate, I was pleased to have the support from The Bishop Laney Foundation during my years as a student. The application process was very straightforward and I heard back within a few weeks. The book grant gave me access to countless resources available at my university bookshop including the latest edition of textbooks, as well as specialist books on topics my course touched upon that I wanted to explore further."

“Thank you for the grant you awarded me for the coming academic year at St Andrews in Scotland. The grant has been hugely beneficial for my studies. It has enabled me to buy additional books for my course which otherwise, I would not have been able to do. These books are often ones that were either unavailable in the library or were highly desired by the rest of the student body and therefore has given me greater access to resources.

This has been particularly useful this summer in preparation for my final year dissertation topic, as the books were not available in the library. Like most university libraries, St Andrew’s Library is heavily overused and so this grant has been a great help in getting the books I needed.

Once again, many thanks for my award, it is greatly appreciated.”

The Bishop Laney Foundation has given over


in grants to students over
the last 10 years

We have given grants to assist school leavers aged under 25 for over 340 years.

About us

The Bishop Laney Foundation provides grants to help apprentices and students from Ely and Soham with their training and further education.

The foundation has given these grants to assist school leavers aged under 25 living in Ely or Soham, for over 340 years.

Meet our Trustees

The trust is managed by six trustees, three from Ely and three from Soham.

They meet six times a year to oversee the various aspects of the foundation and to preserve the legacy of Bishop Benjamin Laney.


Get in touch

The Secretary
The Beeches
79 Ely Road
Little Downham

01353 699043

© 2025 The Bishop Laney Foundation. Registered in England and Wales Charity No. 311306. Website by Studio Nova.